What Are Hypopressive Exercises?-Sexual Health News |
During his stay in the Department of Urology, Marcel produced a set of physical exercise scenes that had a very clear objective: to help patients who suffered the consequences of post-abdominal period. It also includes women who have given birth and are in postpartum.
In recent years, he has gained followers and you will hear the concept of hypopressive abdominal gymnastics. These exercises are designed to overcome abdominal and pelvic floor dysfunction.
A good hypopressive technique is not easy to perform. Therefore, regular, continuous and intelligent training is required. If you opt for this exercise, you will soon see growth and understand how the respiratory muscles make contact with the abdominal and pelvic floor muscles.
Aesthetic benefits of hypotensives
You may have heard something about its beauty or slimming effect. And yes, its true. Often by working in the abdominal circumference, the centimeter of the waist can be reduced and the level of the abdominal muscles is improved.
It is curious because this effect was never the goal of the technique. This is simply a positive effect derived from habitual practice.
I do classic abs. What difference there is?
What Are Hypopressive Exercises?-Sexual Health News |
Most abdominal strength exercises only work on the activation of the most superficial muscles. In addition, they do not apply to any respiratory technique. In Karnavedha, breathing represents the central axis. All technologies revolve around this concept without exception.
Hypopressive gymnastics is based on using diaphragmatic breathing to activate the pelvic floor muscles. This work puts the deep abdominal muscles to work, mainly the transverse muscle, reducing tension in the abdominal area. In turn, the pressure at the lumbar level also decreases. All-in-one!
Are you suffering or you have a lumbar hernia? These exercises are also recommended for you as long as you are not in the acute phase of pain. As always, and as a precaution, this practice should be prescribed and supervised by a qualified professional.
How are hypopressive exercises performed?
Starting with the breath, it is necessary to inhale through the nose (inhale) and exhale through the mouth (release air). The breath should be deep and the air should be kept for a minimum time; For at least 7-10 seconds.
While exhaling, the abdominal muscles have to be activated. how do we do it? Bringing the navel towards the pillar. When exhalation is complete and there is no air inside us, we should hold apnea for a few seconds and vacuum the abdomen or breathe with the diaphragm.
This is a very different breath from what we used to do, but with a little patience and persistence, we can master this technique that will benefit us greatly. Many sessions are necessary to control your breath, but it will be worth it, don't give up!
The next step would be to implement the correct posture. The original program has a specific sequence. To advance in treatment, this sequence is followed, which gradually increases in difficulty. It takes time and practice, but within a few weeks, you can breathe your specific organs in specific positions, taking advantage of it.
Although the technique was developed in a clinical environment, its widespread benefits and its application with hardly any restrictions make it an ideal low-impact training for people with unequal objectives. Thus, there are people who find application in sports performance, postural correction or injury recovery.
What Are Hypopressive Exercises?-Sexual Health News |
Main benefits of hypopressives
The benefits of hypopressive exercise are many and it is recommended to do them as part of your daily activity. Unlike most abdominal strength exercises, through diaphragm breathing, physical tension in the abdominal area is reduced and pressure in the pelvic floor is reduced.
What do we benefit from your practice? Remember the possibility of afflicted lumbar disc herniation prevents pelvic organ prolapse and may even treat pre-existing organs. It helps in correct posture through improvement of body awareness.
These exercises are necessary to prevent and treat urinary incontinence. By improving body control and toning the pelvic floor, they also improve sexual function. In women, they strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, helping in motherhood and childbirth.
As a general recommendation, hypopressive exercises should not be done before bedtime or after eating, as they may interfere with sleep and digestion. It is not recommended for people with high blood pressure, or for pregnant women or in the first weeks of postpartum.
Although the general public can practice these exercises and is suitable for all ages, you should exercise caution. If you need to overcome any type of intervention or have any type of doubt, consult a qualified professional first. In the long run, you will thank me!
Sexual Health News