Full Explain About Morton’s Neuroma

Morton's neuroma is a deformity that affects the feet, usually only one. It is that there is a change in some nerve of the foot, which causes pain in that area. The most common is that it occurs between the third and fourth metatarsals.

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Full Explain About Morton’s Neuroma-Sexual Health News

Although the name may cause confusion, Morton's neuroma is not a tumor. This is a fairly frequent condition, especially between 50 and 70 years. It affects women a lot more than men, about 8 times more.
The reasons for this injury are many. Interestingly, this is related to the use of heel shoes. Therefore, many times the treatment may be limited to one change of shoe, without using only more invasive techniques.
Morton's neuromas can greatly affect a victim's life, preventing them from walking or standing up due to pain. Therefore, in this article, we explain everything you need to know about this pathology and how to treat it.

What is Morton’s neuroma?
Morton's neuroma is an injury that occurs in one of the leg veins. It is in the vicinity of that nerve, (usually one between the third and fourth metatarsals), the fibrous tissue grows and constricts and inhibits its normal functioning.
This fibrous tissue grows due to constant tension or nerve irritation in that area. For example, when we run we apply pressure on parts of our feet. When this pressure occurs repeatedly in the same area, it can damage it and cause the presence of Morton's neuroma.
The same goes for wearing heels. By constantly moving the legs to a position in which almost all the pressure is on one part of the leg, it is normal for a nerve to move through an area that becomes irritated.

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Full Explain About Morton’s Neuroma-Sexual Health News

What symptoms does it produce?
What first appears is an intense feeling of pain. It closely observes the feeling of having a stone inside the shoe while walking. It is a mechanical pain, which increases by supporting this part; For example, when walking or standing.
In addition, it usually causes a tingling sensation in the affected finger. It causes irritation in the sole of the foot or normal numbness. Subject to that part the symptoms worsen or improve depending on the stimulus.

How is Morton’s neuroma diagnosed?
To diagnose Morton's neuroma, the basic thing is to know the pain and the characteristics of the person suffering from it well. With the clinic, it may be sufficient to arrive at a diagnosis, as there are certainly quite obvious risk factors.
For example, it is much more frequent in women than men. Likewise, the use of heels, being a professional athlete or some foot malfunction increases the risk of suffering this injury.
However, doctors may use some complementary tests to confirm the diagnosis. Previously, X-rays are often used to explain that there is another injury that causes pain, such as a fracture. Ultrasound is also used.

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Full Explain About Morton’s Neuroma-Sexual Health News

How can the neuroma be treated?
Morton's neuroma often does not require more treatment than choosing appropriate footwear. It should be well padded to allow more complete support of the foot. For that reason, the ideal is to avoid heels.
If this is not enough, pain relievers and anti-inflammatory medications may be prescribed to reduce pain. Even corticosteroid injections can be made in the area to reduce inflammation.
On the other hand, if pain persists and disables the person, surgery may be performed. Its purpose is to reduce the pressure present on the nerve, which compresses the tissues. In very severe cases, the damaged nerve can be removed to avoid pain.

In conclusion
Morton's neuroma is an injury that usually occurs in the nerve running between the third and fourth toes. It is associated with the use of heel shoes, sports which include running or foot malfunctions. Generally, treatment is based on using better footwear and taking care of foot health.

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