Disc herniation is a very common health problem today. That is, according to medical estimates, 1 in every 100 adults in the world suffers from this condition. Similarly, it is believed that at least 50% of people suffer or suffer from a problem in their back throughout their life.
Herniated disc
Nutrition as a means to treat the herniated disc
Physiotherapy and chiropractic
What Is Natural Treatments To Improve a Herniated Disc-Sexual health News |
It is known that herniated discs occur more frequently at the level of the cervix or lumbar, ie in the neck or lower back. This is because these are the areas with the greatest mobility in the spine. However, hernia can appear in any of its segments.
Not all persistent back pain matches a herniated disc. Also, not all herniated discs have pain. It is believed that about 30% of the population may have one of these hernias, with no symptoms.
Herniated disc
What Is Natural Treatments To Improve a Herniated Disc-Sexual health News |
The spine is made up of several bones called vertebrae. Adults have a total of 26 vertebrae. Each vertex is separated from the next and previous one by means of structures called intervertebral discs. The sacrum and coccyx region are not the only discs.
The disc is formed by a poppy tissue. Its main function is to cushion the impact between the vertebrae, during movement. They have higher water content, which starts decreasing over the years.
These discs have a fibrous ring that surrounds them. When the disc loses resistance, due to age or trauma, the fibrous ring may break. It occurs when a herniated disc is formed, which is usually painful and even disabling. Sometimes it is corrected through surgery, but it can be treated by going to alternative solutions.
Nutrition as a means to treat the herniated disc
One of the measures to prevent and treat herniated discs is to follow a proper diet. It is very important to drink sufficient amount of water daily. It is recommended that an adult consume at least two liters a day. It protects the intervertebral disc and reduces inflammation if there is a herniated disc.
Diet alone does not correct a herniated disc, but it contributes to healing. Combined with other functions usually give good results. It is advisable to take a diet based on fruits, vegetables, whole grains and all types of antioxidant foods.
Similarly, acidic or inflammatory elements should be avoided. Some of these are red meats, sugar, all foods that contain preservatives or dyes, including gluten and so-called "junk food".
Physiotherapy and chiropractic
What Is Natural Treatments To Improve a Herniated Disc-Sexual health News |
Physiotherapy is one of the most commonly used resources to treat disc conditions. Typically, the health professional indicates an exercise routine that should be followed cleanly. It is also often the case that measures such as application of cold, heat, or both are used in the affected area.
One of the most effective treatments for herniated discs is chiropractic. Against this point, it is important to emphasize that anyone who undertakes this type of intervention should be trained and experienced. Poor chiropractic may not only be ineffective, but can also be dangerous in some cases.
A good chiropractor is able to fix a herniated disc, either cervical or lumbar. The goal of this treatment is that the vertebral tissue is reabsorbed and the hernia recovers completely. In the early stages, it is a very effective remedy against pain.
There are some medicinal plants that can be taken as infusion and which help treat the symptoms of herniated discs. In particular, they reduce inflammation and pain. One of the most effective is thyme, oregano and horse tail infusion. Together they have an anti-inflammatory effect which is beneficial for this condition.
All you have to do is take a bowl and pour half a liter of water.
Then, add a spoon of thyme, a oregano and a horseshoe.
Bring to medium heat and boil for five minutes.
Then, stand for 10 minutes and strain.
You should drink three cups a day before each meal.
You can also prepare thyme and rosemary infusion in the same way. Other plants that serve the same purpose are white willow bark and harpagophyto root. Remember that none of these measures replace medical counseling.
Sexual Health News